
Floureon Battery Powered Carbon Monoxide Alarm Sensor White Model: Camera


When a dangerous level of carbon monoxide is detected the red LED will pulse and a loud alarm
Standby: Green Led flashes once every 30 seconds. Alarm: Red Led quickly flashes 4 times with unit
Sensitivity/Alarm Time:


It is a perfect item for protecting your circle of relatives from the danger of carbon monoxide and easy to read with the digital dispaly, even in a low light condition.

1. Loud 85 decibel alarm
2. Permanent Carbon Monoxide Sensor
3. The Alarm Sound Pattern is Three Short Alarm Beeps. The Red LED Will Flash Whilst within the Alarm Mode
4. One chirp each 30 seconds in an indication that the battery is low (need replacement) (green LED still flashes once each 30 seconds)
5. Test/Reset button to test the unit electronics and verifies proper unit operation and reset the unit all through CO alarm
6. Alarm memory feature: If the unit ever alarms, pressing the button, green LED will flashes once each second for one minute and the peak alarm level shall be indicated at the LCD
7. Green and red LED lights that indicate normal operation and alarm status
8. The unit will sound chirp and red LED flashes once as power up
9. Green LED:Flashes each 30 seconds to indicate the unit is operating properly. The green LED may also flash before CO reading is taken and when any button is pressed
10. Red LED :When a dangerous level of carbon monoxide is detected the red LED will pulse and a loud alarm pattern will sound

Power Supply:3AA size 1.5V batteries
Sensitivity & Time: 50ppm, alarms within 60~90 minutes
100ppm, alarms within 10~40 minutes
300ppm, alarms within 3 minutes
Standby Current:<50Ua(withoutLCD); <200uA(with LCD)
; Alarm Current:<75mA
; Operation Ambient Condition:5~40┃,20~90% R.H.

When a dangerous level of carbon monoxide is detected the red LED will pulse and a loud alarm
Standby: Green Led flashes once each 30 seconds. Alarm: Red Led quickly flashes 4 times with unit
Sensitivity/Alarm Time: <20ppm,LCD displays 0ppm. 50ppm, alarms within 60~90 minutes. 100ppm, alarm A test / reset button permits you to test that alarm is functioning properly. Plus a peak-level The CO detector is a battery-operated independent carbon monoxide (CO) alarm and with the inside [amz_corss_sell asin="B00TW2A5ZC"]


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