
The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure, 2nd edition


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The most comprehensive, up-to-date, and thoroughly researched book on the topic of composting human manure to be had anywhere. It includes a review of the historical, cultural, and environmental issues pertaining to “human waste,” in addition to an in depth take a look at the potential health risks related to humanure recycling, with clear instructions on how to do away with those dangers as a way to safely convert humanure into garden soil. Written by a humanure composter with over twenty years experience, this classic work now includes illustrated, step by step instructions on how to build a “$25 composting toilet.” Also new to the second one edition is a chapter on alternative graywater systems; color photos of humanure compost gardens; a review of U.S. state regulations pertaining to compost toilets, graywater systems, and constructed wetlands; and a list of compost toilets sources around the world. The humor right through the book, alternatively, remains execrable.

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